'For a Change' articles

These articles first appeared in the magazine 'For A Change' - www.forachange.net

Wednesday, 01 October, 1997

In 1961, after his obligatory service, General Colin Powell could have left the US Army. He didn't, he writes in his autobiography, "My American Journey," because "for a black no other avenue in American society offered so much opportunity."

Sunday, 01 June, 1997

Many whites have no idea what African Americans really feel about the situation.

Tuesday, 01 April, 1997

By the time the amnesty expired only three people had returned money

Saturday, 01 February, 1997

Gus Envela Jr believes that too many in public life have stayed on too long.

Sunday, 01 December, 1996

Then, to the Mayor's surprise, Edith marched forward and grabbed the microphone.

Tuesday, 01 October, 1996

I was the white sheep of the family

Thursday, 01 August, 1996

The media are given privileges and protections because they have a special function in our democracy
